Key Features
Max and Friends Decodable Buddy Readers
Buddy/Paired Reading
encourages students to practice skills learned
develops confidence and independence in reading
supports cooperative learning
promotes an interactive and fun reading experience
provides opportunities for reading kid to kid, para to student, parent to child, student to volunteer

The Illustrations
Characters chosen and named by kids
Illustrations and topics of high interest to kids
Minimal picture support
In the book “Frog Fibs”, Frog's fib is confirmed by the illustration.
Text Features
Intentional and frequent opportunities to practice previously taught phonics skills
In the book, “Not at the Mall,” the focus is blends, digraphs and all short vowels
Limited high frequency words
Individual speaker parts color coded

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Connections
Books list a SEL standard that connects with the story
In the book, “Max Has Luck,” the SEL standard of “Relationship Skills” has Max share his luck with a friend

Information Page
Located on the inside back cover
Quick reference for teacher of target skills in the book
Max and Pip Books
Max and Frog Books
Max and Rick Books
Max and Gus Books
Max and Splash Books
CVC words starting with vowels a,i.
Blends, all short vowels, exposure to digraphs.
Digraphs, all short vowels, gradual blends.
Blends, digraphs, all short vowels.
Blends, digraphs, all short vowels.